We would like to encourage you to join a course to explore faith,
or one of our small groups or join us on Sundays.
If you need any kind of support please let us know.
If you are exploring what faith is all about, have got questions about life in general or are questioning what Christianity is actually all about, then our next Alpha Course which commences next term, could be just right for you.
Alpha is a multi-week course that creates a space where people come and discuss life’s big questions.
For more information or to register click here Alpha
It can be hard to get to know people during and after a service, and being part of church life is more than just what happens on a Sunday. We offer a number of small group meetings which provide an opportunity to get to know more people, as well as grow in our faith.
Baby Group (weekly term time babies to crawlers), Home Groups, Men’s Group, Monthly Prayer Meetings, Mothers’ Union, Octots (weekly term time toddler group), SMART TOTS (weekly term time toddler group at St Mark’s Church), Sunday Club, The Friends, Women’s Group.
To find out what is currently on offer, email Sarah at godalming.church.office@gmail.com
or contact Reverend Sheila Samuels at St Mark’s Church, telephone 01483 374784
Audio Visual Operator
Bell ringing (Tower)
Bible reading
Flower arranging
Handbell ringing
Pastoral Care
Sundays are a big part of what we do as church communities, we meet together to have fellowship, worship God, celebrate communion and open God’s Word so we can hear what He is saying to us. If we truly want to make a difference in the world, we need to spend time with God, and then do what He says. Our services offer the opportunity to do just this, individually but importantly as we share life together, supporting one another.
Please contact Sarah at the Church Office telephone 01483 414135 or email godalming.church.office@gmail.
We look forward to meeting you!