Why Donate?
The Church relies on donations and offerings from the congregation and friends to fund our regular church work, worship, staff, ministries and the Diocese of Guildford through our Parish Share, in addition to donations to other charities and mission partners.
The Bible teaches us to give regular “tithes and offerings to the Lord” (Nehemiah 10;31-39 and Malachi 3;10-12). Tithes refer to our regular giving and offerings, as well as our one-off special gifts to specific works God may call us to support as a congregation. The Bible also teaches us that our giving is always optional and voluntary, and each one of us should give only within our means.
“You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure, for God loves a person who gives cheerfully. And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.” 2 Corinthians 9:7,8
We encourage everyone who attends our church regularly to offer something, however small or large, at a level that is affordable for you. We give what we can, so that God can do immeasurably more.
In our church it is only our Treasurer, and Gift Aid Co-ordinator where applicable, who in complete confidence are aware of individual giving. Giving can also be completely anonymous if donations are made through the CAF (Charities Aid Foundation) account.
There are other important and valuable ways to give to the work of the church such as our time and talents. That said, giving financially is biblical, both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament early Christian Church. Giving is an important part of our worship and we should give cheerfully and with purpose of heart.
Give 25% more at no extra cost!
For regular donations this is the easiest and most efficient manner in which to give to the church, for both the donor and the church. Donations made through this scheme use a Direct Debit. This can be made on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis. Each donation is restricted to the Parish Church chosen by the donor and cannot be used elsewhere.
The donation will be passed back to the parish of the donor’s choosing by the 10th of the month. Any eligible Gift Aid will be sent separately, once it has been received from HMRC. The unique feature of the scheme is the option for the donor to commit in principle to increase their gift annually in line with inflation. Whilst this is a voluntary decision, it is one that could potentially have a huge impact on the life and future of the church.
Please register online here. Alternatively, paper application forms can be sent from Sarah in the Parish Office in Godalming Parish Church, and you can contact her at godalming.church.office@googlemail.com.
This is a brilliant way to give, as knowing we have regular committed giving helps us to plan ahead and to fulfil our ministry strategy.
Our bank details are:
- Account name: Parish of St Peter and St Paul Godalming
- Cafbank sort code: 40-52-40
- Account number: 00015455
- Reference: Your Surname and Initials
You may also give a one-off gift using the bank details above. You can give through your Employer’s Payroll Giving Scheme, if they have one.
If you pay sufficient tax for your donations to be eligible for Gift Aid, we would be most grateful if you would donate using the Gift Aid envelopes which are available in church. This allows us to boost your donation by 25p for every £1, and the envelopes can be given through the usual church collection basket. If you wish to donate to a specific cause to help with the upkeep of the church, there are special red envelopes for our Heating Fund, as well as envelopes for our Fabric and Organ Funds. Alternatively, you may wish to use a standard white Gift Aid envelope for a general donation to church funds. Whatever you choose to give, we are very grateful. Thank you.
Easy Fundraising
Raise free funds for us every time you shop online! Once you have signed up, you can opt-in to setting a reminder to your browser, which will remind you to collect donations on your purchases when you go onto participating websites through Easy Fundraising.
If you would like to find out more about leaving a legacy to the parish in your will, further information can be found by following this link. You can also contact our Treasurer in confidence at andrew_bolton@btinternet.com.
Giving by Cheque
If you would like to send us a cheque, please make it payable to ‘St Peter and St Paul PCC’ and send c/o The Treasurer, 4 Huxley Close, Godalming, Surrey GU7 2AS or hand deliver to the Parish Administrator, Sarah Bryans, The Parish Office, Church Street, Godalming, Surrey GU7 1ER.
Please email our Gift Aid Officer, Matthew Greenfield mcgreenfield@googlemail.com if you are a UK taxpayer, so that we can claim back an extra 25p for every £1 donated.
If you would like further information, have any questions or need to discuss anything in complete confidence regarding financial giving, please contact our Treasurer, Andrew Bolton at andrew_bolton@btinternet.com.
We are extremely grateful to all who have given, and in many cases continue to give sacrificially and generously to the life and the witness of the Church. Your giving is an outward expression of your inward commitment to God, as well as a sign of personal and spiritual growth. It enables the ministry and mission of the Church to continue and develop, reaching out to express the unconditional love of Christ in our parish and beyond, and we thank God for you all.