What’s On at St Mark’s Community Centre?
St Mark’s Church is unique in that its building serves a dual purpose within the local community. As a church, it provides a contemporary sacred space for Christian worship, prayer, baptisms, funerals and other activities such as Lent and Advent courses, all aimed at celebrating, recognising and fostering an awareness of the love and presence of God in the community.
St Mark’s Church was dedicated in 1934, is a small modern building and one of two Anglican churches serving the spiritual life of people in the Parish of Godalming. It is situated in Franklyn Road, in the Ockford Ridge and Aaron’s Hill area.
The 10am Sunday worship lasts for about an hour after which everyone is welcome to enjoy refreshments and a chat. There is no crèche or Sunday school at present, but we can provide pew bags with colouring books and one or two other items to help keep young children amused. We have occasional services which are geared to include children and encourage their participation, such as Mothering Sunday, Harvest Festival and the Crib Service, and we also share occasional joint services with the Parish Church.
Smart Tots is a Church led activity for parents and toddlers at St Mark’s Church. The group is on Wednesdays from 9am to 11am. The aim of the activity is to offer a space and welcoming space for toddlers and parents to socialise and meet new people and make friends.
If you would like to know more about what happens at St Mark’s Community Church, including information about the Christian faith, contact Reverend Sheila Samuels telephone 01483 374784.
The parish has links with St Mark and All Saints Church of England Primary School.
Mrs Karen Milton, the Community Centre Co-ordinator, manages all queries regarding Centre bookings. She can be contacted by telephone 01483 418741 or email stmarkscentre@gmail.com on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 9am to 2.30pm.
For information regarding The Foodbank please click here.
The Warm Hub was started as a response to the icy cold winter
with the help of Surrey County Council and local Churches.
From April, the Warm Hub becomes The Hub,
as our lovely volunteers have decided to continue to offer
a space for people to have a bite and enjoy a social time together.
Volunteers are needed please to either help set up at noon,
serve between 12.30pm and 2.30pm, provide a cake,
or clear away from 3pm, each on a monthly basis.
If you would like to help, please contact Michael
or email michaelleashing@aol.com.
The building’s other purpose is as a Community Centre.
St Mark’s welcomes many different groups
who regularly use its space for activities
and it is also used as a Polling Station for local elections.
One of the conversations that came out of the recent community survey is about offering fitness to people. A local resident is a self-employed running coach and has offered running classes at £5 per session.
The running group is for runners who wish to take their training further. You may have completed a couch to 5k schedule and are wondering, what next? The group will enable you to take your running further and enable it to dovetail with the stresses and strains of your life.
If you are willing to attend both sessions during a week, a programme can be written which encompasses the rest of the week and month, and support will be available via email, text or telephone to answer any questions that you have. If you commit to a training plan, the running group sessions will be free of charge.
The group meets at 9.30am and 7pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays at St Mark’s Church and all sessions will have a warm-up, run and cool down.
For more information click here.
To sign up click here.
The Community Fund award has enabled St Mark’s Outreach Project to connect with parents and toddlers, school families and older people.
The fund has enabled us to host community fun days bringing together what might otherwise be an isolated community together.
We’ve also benefited from funding towards AV equipment allowing us to show films for all ages.