We have a fun-packed children’s ministry, which focuses not only on engaging children but on helping them to find out for themselves what it means to follow Jesus and grow as a Christian.


We do this by providing:

  • A welcoming, safe and friendly environment
  • Fun and creative activities for the children to explore and grow in their faith
  • Great Bible teaching that inspires and challenges in an interactive way
  • Time for children to share their ideas, experiences and build friendships

We have a mix of free play, group games and craft activities and we also have a teaching time where we explore themes from the Bible through interactive storytelling and drama. We find creative ways to pray and worship and encourage children to share their stories and pray for each other.

Every Monday morning from 10am to 11.30am during term time we run Octots, a popular, thriving group where new or visiting members are always warmly welcomed.

Octots is for little people from new-born babies and toddlers to school starting age, and offers stimulating constructive and creative play activities, ending with a time of singing. Octots is led by Vickie Nye, our Children and Families Worker,
and a dedicated team of volunteers. Find out more about Octots.

A weekly term time Baby Group, (newborn to crawlers) meet on a Wednesday morning in the Octagon from 10am to 11am. The group is led by Vickie, our Children and Families Worker, supported by Penny and Didi.

We believe that God is a wonderful God who created children and young people with their sense of fun, their liveliness and every unique characteristic which they have.